Be Reasonable :-)

When we try to do more than is humanly possible in 24 hours, we become overwhelmed.  When we become overwhelmed, anxiety and stress take over.  Devise a daily plan for yourself and make it reasonable (like it has to fit into 24 hours and you have to eat and...

Sacrifice is Okay

Joyful Souls: Often we hear how important it is to take care of ourselves, give ourselves good things, and believe in ourselves.  All of this is true, and very important, because if we do not love ourselves, how can we truly love and be giving to others?  However, my...

Welcome to Joyful Connections!

I am so excited to connect with you here, on my blog! This is the first of many.  Enjoy, and please come back soon. I just love this and try to live my life by these words. Yes, it is a good thing to be good to yourself, but I think sometimes we don’t focus...

Joyful Soul: A Promise Worthy of Trust

is a self-help book about how to follow your dreams while at the same time living holistically. It is designed to inspire you to set goals in order to get the greatest satisfaction from every vital area of your life, with an emphasis on a strong spiritual core and psychological well-being. 

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